Best Alternative Ebook sites To

Best Alternative Ebook sites To – They say that books are one’s best friend and with one in their hand they become oblivious to the world. While With advancement in technology we are slowly doing away with the need of a paperback and entering the world of eBooks. Yes, many may argue on the tradition of reading books made of paper. The real feel of it or the unusual smell of the books that make us nostalgic. But the fact is that with the evolution of eBooks we are also saving some trees.

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Also Read:

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Best Alternative Ebook sites To

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Library Genisis website is a Russia based website is actually a search engine that helps you download books and articles related to science. It helps you to download e-books for free including PDF downloads. The site continues to face legal issues due to the pirated access provided to books and articles. The website database contains more than 52 million articles from about 50,000 publications.

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4. Google Ebookstore:

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Best Alternate Legal Websites To Download eBooks

1. – Download lots of science-related ebooks for free using the site freescience.

2. – Find lots of computer-related ebooks like programming languages c, c++, Java , Python , SQL and much more.

3. – Another legal website for download free ebooks in ever category.

So these are the websites to download eBooks online without paying a single rupee. Most of international author books can be found in this site, You just need to the ISBN code of the book which you need to download.


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